Sunday, February 28, 2010

31 Days of Movies - Monty style

During next month, which also happens to be my birthday (the 31st) I am planning to watch at least one classic movie a day. That used to not be a problem but with work and other responsibilities and blogging, exercising, etc, there is not enough time in the day. But for next month I will try my very best to do it. Once upon a time, I use to watch 2 or 3 a day, so hopefully this will get be back into the flow of things. And I will try to post a review of the film I watch, if not I will at least mention it on my blog.  I sometimes feel like Cary Grant from Bringing Up Baby in the picture to your left. The first movie of the month for tomorrow night will be 42nd Street. I am taking a page from Nicole over at Vintage Film Nerd, who manages to see at least one classic film a day. My hats off to you Nicole. Keep up the good work as I do enjoy reading your blog.

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