Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Review: The Blind Side (2009) is one of the best movies I've ever seen....

Based on the true story of Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, a well to do Memphis couple,  who take in a homeless teenage African-American, Michael "Big Mike" Oher. Michael has had little formal education and few skills to help him learn. Leigh Anne soon takes charge however, as is her nature, ensuring that the young man has every opportunity to succeed. When he expresses an interest in football, she goes all out to help him, including giving the coach a few ideas on how best to use Michael's skills. They not only provide him with a loving home, but hire a tutor to help him improve his grades to the point where he would qualify for an NCAA Division I athletic scholarship. That's the storyline of this very enthralling movie. Sandra Bullock deservedly won an Oscar for Best Actress with her performance as Leigh Anne. She comes across as a tough but sincere and a very likable person. One person in the film says it's very Christian of what she's doing for Michael. I have always loved Sandra in everything she has done and she gives one of her best performances ever. Just as good is newcomer Quinton Aaron as Michael, a soft spoken kid who just happens to be giant sized. His introverted nature is the direct opposite of Leigh Anne's light up the room presence. Their scenes together are a joy to watch. Country singer Tim McGraw acquits himself nicely as Leigh Anne's husband Sean, who supports his wife in every decision she makes. Kathy Bates is also on hand as Miss Sue, the tutor who helps Michael with his grades.

The Blind Side is more of a family drama than it is a sports movie. It does feature a few training scenes and an actual football game being played, but the real draw of this film is the interaction between Michael and everyone he meets. Also pivotal is one of his high school teachers played by Kim Dickens,who convinces the other faculty to give Michael a chance to learn in their classrooms. I know much as been said about how the film may pander to audiences and comes across cliched, but I for one enjoyed every minute of this film. It was emotional, heartfelt, and kept my full attention. There are several moments of well timed humor as well. Not too many films can find humor about politics that will not offend anyone. The two jokes that are said are classic and were handled with good taste. I'm sure everyone will get a kick out of them once they hear them.

So, to wrap it up, The Blind Side was my second favorite film of 2009, right behind Star Trek. It was a surprise and was definitely Sandra's shining moment. Without a doubt, she deserved her well won Oscar. And praise for Quinton as well. His low key take on Michael came across very effectively. The Blind Side is a must see.

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