Monday, May 24, 2010

All Good Things in June

The month when summer kicks into high gear, kids are on school break, and it's just a great time to enjoy some classic movies. The classic movie goddess will be Donna Reed, a very talented woman who was a success on both the small and big screens. I first came across her while as a kid watching reruns of The Donna Reed Show. Then later on saw her in classic films like It's A Wonderful Life and From Here To Eternity. So she will be spotlighted all month long here on my blog. And my guest blogger for the month will be my good friend Dawn of Noir & Chick Flicks. Me and Dawn actually collaborate on several blogs including Saddles & Spurs, Doris Day, Esther Williams, Betty Grable, and Chick Flick Musicals. Can't wait to have her here next month so we can discuss movies, TV, and whatever else catch our fancy. See ya next month.


  1. Can't wait, I just love Donna Reed!!
    Hope you are having a wonderful long weekend!!
