Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Anne Baxter

I didn't realize that Anne's birthday was yesterday. My apologies to Anne and all her fans, but Happy Birthday to another one of my favorite actresses. (7 May 1923 - 12 Dec 1985). My favorite Anne films include All About Eve, Sunday Dinner for a Soldier, The Fighting Sullivans, A Ticket to Tomahawk, The Ten Commandments and her guest appearances as the villaness Olga, Queen of the Cossacks on the 1960's Batman TV series

1 comment:

  1. That was such a sad and sudden loss. I remember that she had taken over for her pal Bette Davis when Davis was too sick to star in Aaron Spelling's Hotel. Ironic that Baxter replaced Davis then predeceased her. I think Baxter was luminous in The Magnificent Ambersons -- it was a glipse into the star she became. To me, her best part was Sophie in The Razor's Edge. Baxter was heartbreaking and stole the show from Ty Power and Gene Tierney who were excellent but Baxter was SO good she left her mark on me.
