Monday, June 28, 2010

All Good Things in July

July will be a very busy month for me here on All Good Things. First, the classic movie goddess for the month will be the always perky and happy Debbie Reynolds. I will post the usual reviews, facts, and photos for this month's star. The Be My Guest blogger will be my good friend Tracy (Gilby37), with whom I co-write the blog What We're Watching On TV. I will also spotlight my 2nd favorite actor of all time, William Holden. My friend Dawn mentioned doing that since she didn't know Holden was a favorite of mine. And this happens to coincide with the long awaited release of his film Union Station on DVD this month. I will create a new poll for this month as well. Probably have something to do with Debbie. And I will be continuing my new summer series that focuses on fun summer of the past. In June I talked about Back to the Future. For July I will lead off with Raiders of the Lost Ark. And try to do a few more films before the month is out. So like I said, July will be very busy for me. Not to mentioned my other blogs Screwball Cinema and Hero Worship and all the other countless blogs I contribute to. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

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