Monday, June 7, 2010

Be My Guest: Dawn

So here is my discussion with my good friend Dawn from Noir and Chick Flicks, among other blogs. So let's get started.

Who are your Top 5 favorite actors/actresses?
1.Gene Tierney.

2. Betty Grable.

3. Doris Day.

4. Ricardo Montalban.

5. Kirk Douglas.

That's a great mixture of actors and actresses Dawn. Glad to see different names besides the usual suspects, especially Montalban.

Describe in detail why your number 1 favorite actor/actress is your favorite.

In my opinion, not only was Gene Tierney beautiful, she was a very versatile in her movie performances. She was equally wonderful in what ever role she would perform in. From her role in , Heaven Can Wait , to her performance in, Leave Her to Heaven. Where she played one of the most heartless characters I have ever seen on film.

I must agree that Gene was very beautiful and very talented. Her performance in Leave Her To Heaven blew me away, because I wasn't used to seeing her in such a mean role.

Describe your first classic movie experience.

For me it would be the Wizard of Oz. Where I lived it was a huge annual TV event during our Summer vacation. I'm the oldest of five children and we would talk about the Wizard of OZ for a week.. My parents would make the Jiffy Pop, on the stove and we would all share 1 bottle of soda pop. Staring at the TV waiting for the movie to begin.."The following program is brought to you in living color"... there goes my brother with his... "Put 'em up, put 'em uuuuup!" The girls all chime in...Mom!! We can't hear the TV.

Soon we are all hiding under our pillows and blankets during the scary tornado scenes. Next we are singing... "Merry Old Land of Oz," Which I will never tire of. I do not know which part of the movie is my favorite.. the Emerald City, or the Horse of a Different Color, not to mention the voice behind the curtain "Step forward, Tin Man!" . And the magic of the ruby shoes clicking together.... chanting, "there is no place like home."

Great story Dawn.

What is your absolute favorite movie?

GONE WITH THE WIND(1939), Is one of my top 5 "gotta see films". I love everything about it, the scenery, costumes, actors and story line of a young woman growing into a self-driven woman to succeed regardless of cost. If you were to ask me which is my favorite part of the movie. I would have to say the beginning, where Scarlett O'Hara, is sitting on the mansion's porch, on her family's plantation, sick of hearing the young men talk about going to war with the North. She would much rather talk about the next day's barbecue at Twelve Oaks.(Wilkes plantation.) When the twins tell her that Ashley Wilkes, is planning on announcing his engagement, to marry his cousin Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta, Scarlett can't believe it, because she is also in love with Ashley. Her father confirms the wedding announcement when he sees her on his way home to Tara, and warns Scarlett to forget about Ashley, because "like should marry like."

I must admit Gone With The Wind is a great film, and while it doesn't make my top 5, it is still an impressive movie.

Describe the perfect way for you to watch a classic movie.

I'm the only one in my family who enjoy what I call ,"Chick Flicks". So me and my 14 year old English Springer Spaniel, curl up on the couch, in the quite part of the day and watch "Our movies".

Very nice.

What is your favorite time period and why: the 20's, the 30's, the 40's, the 50's or the 60's?

I would have to say the 1940's. "The Golden Age of Motion Pictures". Film making was still young and growing. A couple of my favorite films from the 40s : Romance on the High Seas(1948), On an island with You(1948) and Leave her to Heaven (1945). Were all filmed in the 40s. And... I don't want to forget to mention the wonderful clothes from the 40s. The women wore beautiful dresses and hats. Even the men of the 40's had great style.

I'm kinda split between the end of the 30's to the beginning of the 40's. But I can see how you would choose the 40's.

Any current stars catch your fancy, if so who are they?

1.Val Kilmer.

2.Michelle Pfeiffer.

3.Daniel Day Lewis.

4.Goldie Hawn.

Ah, Goldie is definitely one of my modern favorites as well.

What is your favorite movie quote?

You're no daisy, you're no daisy at all." From the film: Tombstone.

I actually have his other quote on my Facebook page: I'll be your huckleberry.

If you could be any movie character, who would it be and why?

I thought the movie character Lucy Muir (Gene Tierney), from The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was a very interesting Character. I would love to live next to the ocean in a house haunted by a handsome sea captain.

Great pick Dawn. And I also thought Hope Lange did a good potrayal in the 60's TV series as well.

So that concludes our little discussion and I want to thank Dawn for responding with such wonderful answers. She will be my guest for the whole month so we will have another discussion later on as well.

1 comment:

  1. Monty, You did a wonderful job putting together this interview!! Thank you so much for asking me to be your guest on your wonderful blog.
