Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Fun Summer at the movies...

I had seen several articles and a lot of people saying that this is the worst summer ever for movies. So I had to respond with a blog of my own. Now, for years the summer movie season had begun usually on Memorial Day weekend, dating back to the late 70's. Well in recent years, the start date has moved up to the first week of May. Which is fine by me. Well this summer movie season is only 6 weeks old and I have seen three films: Iron Man 2 (twice), Shrek Forever After, and the recently released The A-Team (twice this weekend already). And I enjoyed all three films because they mainly delivered on the sole premise of a summertime movie: FUN. I don't know what more do people want. Summer is the time to release popcorn thrill rides that fulfills it's job of entertaining audiences. Now Iron Man 2 was not as good as the first one but it still was a good movie. I gave it a B+ and did see it twice. Shrek Forever After is a worthy addition to the franchise and I gave it a B. And now comes The A-Team, which I thoroughly enjoyed. So far it's the best movie I've seen this year. And don't misunderstand me, it's not the best movie made, but it's definitely a crowd pleasing summer type action filled movie. Now other recent films that have came out and done poorly like Prince of Persia, Robin Hood and Sex and the City 2 I have not seen, so I can't speak on them. But I think it's premature to say that this is the worst summer for movies when we're not even halfway through the season yet. Not when we still got these films on deck: Toy Story 3, Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio; Salt with Angelina Jolie; the all star action fest The Expendables with Stallone, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham; Predators; and of course the third chapter in that teen vampire saga Twilight: Eclipse. I know some of the movies this year might be underwhelming but you get those every year. It just seems there is so much cynicism and dread out there, that I think people might have forgotten how to enjoy movies. And let's be real, movies will never be as good as they were say 70 years ago. But many people today would argue those films are boring or too stagey or whatever. I would of course disagree, but I guess what I'm trying to say that these movies coming out today are still entertaining enough in their own way. I try to find the good in every film I see, even the so called turkeys but if Hollywood releases about 400 films a year, of course not everyone of them is gonna be good. The award worthy films with the top acting talent and engaging stories will bow at the end of the year to give movie goers something to think about. But for right now, it's summer, it's all about fun and action and comedy and excitement. And guess what we may get one film this summer that will please everyone. A little film from the director of Dark Knight called Inception with Leo DiCaprio. Okay, I've said my peace. I'm happy now. I just had to say something about all the negativity I was seeing in magazines and on message boards about the state of movies. Like I said I've seen three films and enjoyed them all. So it's been a perfect summer for me so far.

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