Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All Good Things In August

As the summer hits the hottest month for most, I hope to keep things exciting here on my blog. I've decided for my classic movie goddess in August will be Rosalind Russell, who stars in my favorite movie of all time, His Girl Friday. I will be posting about her all month long. My guest blogger for the month will be Laura, from Laura's Miscellaneous Musings, which is one of my favorite blog sites I hang out. I mean Laura gives out so much information and great posts it is a joy to read. It's better to read her posts than to read the actual TCM guide. She is that thorough. Also I plan to spotlight William Holden, which I was going to do back in July, but never got to it. And the usual scatterings of favorite lists and photos and such. August should be a very good month here at All Good Things.

1 comment:

  1. Monty, your kind words made my day! It's such a pleasure to blog about what I love and know that others are enjoying it. Thank you!

    Best wishes,
