Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Be My Guest - Laura (Part 2)

Here is part 2 of my guest of the month Laura's post.

Monty: Describe the perfect way for you to watch a classic movie.

Laura: My favorite way to watch a classic movie is to see a beautiful restored print on a big screen with an appreciative audience. However, I'm not able to do that very often at this stage of my life, due to other demands on my time, and I'm extremely grateful for both Turner Classic Movies and DVDs. If you had told me when I was growing up that I could watch one of my favorite movies on TV anytime I wanted, it would have been hard for me to believe! As much as I love seeing movies in a theater, I don't think I'll ever get over my amazement at actually owning movies.

Monty: That's awesome Laura. Being able to see a restored film on the big screen would be pretty amazing. But like you said we do have TCM and DVDs to fall back on.

Monty: What is your favorite time period and why: the 20's, the 30's, the 40's, the 50's or the 60's?

Laura: I love the entire film era of roughly 1930-1960, but if I had to single out one decade it would be the '40s. The films of that decade are so diverse: there's WWII and "home front" films; the blossoming of the MGM musical (notably with MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS); Fox musicals with their remarkable Technicolor; the beginning of the film noir genre; and so much more. For the most part my favorite actors were all extremely busy -- and often at the peak of their careers -- in the '40s.

Monty: Good choiice Laura and I can understand why you chose that time period. I actually cheated on my pick and I chose 1936-1944. Part of the 30's and part of the 40's. But If I had to break down and choose one period I would go with the 30's. Just because screwball comedies were at their zenith then and it is my favorite genre.

I will continue with Laura's conversation with another post by the end of the week. I must say I have enjoyed her responses so far.

1 comment:

  1. I love screwballs too, Monty!! It's a tough choice between the '30s and the '40s. :)

    Thanks again,
