Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Top 10 Favorite Leonardo DiCaprio FIlms

 It's been two years since I originally wrote this post and I have seen two more films of Leo, so I decided to update my top 10 list of my favorite films of his, since he is one of my favorite modern actors. The two new films added are Shutter Island and Django Unchained. But I couldn't cut any of the previous films from the list, so I just expanded it to a top 12.  So here we go. I may update this yet again after his new film, The Great Gatsby hits theaters this summer.

12. SHUTTER ISLAND (2010) - Finally saw this a few months ago and I liked it. Set it in 1954, Leo plays U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels, who is sent to  Shutter Island, a hospital for the criminally insane, to investigate the disappearance of  a murderess. Loaded with a solid supporting cast including Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Max Von Sydow, Michelle Williams, Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson and Jackie Earle Haley. Directed by Martin Scorsese (the pair's 4th collaboration). 

11. REVOLUTIONARY ROAD (2008) The long awaited reunion between Titanic co-stars Leo and Kate was a totally different type of film. A stark drama that is heavy on the dramatics but features solid acting from both leads. It's a plus that the film is set in the always trendy 1960's.

10. THE QUICK AND THE DEAD (1995) A decidedly off beat western from director Sam Raimi that has Sharon Stone entering a quick draw contest to get closer to the man (Gene Hackman) who killed her father. Leo plays the cocky but super fast kid, named The Kid. He later turns out to be the son of Hackman. Also co-starring Russell Crowe and Gary Sinise, this is a very entertaining film.

9. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN (2002) The powerhouse pairing of Leo and Tom Hanks drive this fact based story about Frank Abagnale Jr., a young con artist who successfully impersonated an airline pilot, doctor, assistant attorney general and history professor, cashing more than $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in 26 countries before being caught by FBI agent Carl Hanratty (Hanks). The 60's are beautifully caught in this colorful and lively film.

8. WHAT'S EATING GILBERT GRAPE (1993) A terrific performance by Leo as the mentally challenged Arnie Grape, brother to Johnny Depp's Gilbert powers this stong and powerful movie about family life in a small town that is really a must see film.

7. DJANGO UNCHAINED (2012) - Quentin Tarantino's epic western gives Leo one really terrific role as plantation owner Calvin Candie who confronts recently freed slave Django (Jamie Foxx) and German bounty hunter Dr. King Shultz (Christoph Waltz) who plan to rescue Django's wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) from Candie's clutches. Leo gets to shine in a rare villainous role and it's a doozy. He should have at least been nominated for an Oscar here.

6. GANGS OF NEW YORK (2002) Here is the first pairing of Leo with legendary director Martin Scorsese and they certainly bring it. Gangs is about as violent as you can get but there is a strong story to go with it. Leo may get overshadowed by Daniel Day Lewis excellent performance as Bill the Butcher, but he still makes an impact all his own.

5. THE AVIATOR (2004) For Scorsese and Leo's second film, they scored with this terrific story based on the life of Howard Hughes, director, aviator and recluse. Leo should have won an Oscar for his performance as Hughes, but alas no such luck. Co-starring the likes of Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Alan Alda, John C. Reilly, Jude Law and Alec Baldwin.

4. THE DEPARTED (2006) Scorsese assembled a dream team for this Boston set mob caper of Leo, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen, and Ray Winstone. Everything fell into place and The Departed makes for one of the best crime films ever made.

3. BLOOD DIAMOND (2006) Leo plays Danny Archer, a South African smuggler who befriends a local fisherman played by Djimon Hounsou to find this very large diamond and to rescue Hounsou's son. Amid the crackling action scenes, which are frequent, there is a story about friendship, family, and love amid the chaos. Leo and Djimon make quite an effective pair too.

2. TITANIC (1997) You knew this film had to be on my list. Leo is positively electric as Jack Dawson, the stowaway who steals Kate Winslet's heart. You may scoff at the sentiment and some of the dialogue, but to this day I still love this film.

1. INCEPTION (2010) A mind bender like no other. Leo, once again, gives a star making performance as a thief who specializes in dreams and has to do one last job before reuniting with his kids. Cool visual effects and an intelligent story with a solid cast which includes Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Michael Caine, Ken Watanabe, Marion Cotillard, and Cillian Murphy.

So there you have it, my top 10 favorite Leo films. Please note I have yet to see Shutter Island, so that may make the list at some point in the future.


  1. Shutter Island is definitely one of my Leo favorites, youll probably enjoy it. I still havent seen Inception, but Im dying to. Great list!

  2. I am totally with Lexie: Shutter Island is great!! I like Revolutionary Road - and still got nightmares of the planecrash in aviator.. ;")
