Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy One Year Anniversary to All Good Things

The Best Years of Our Lives
I can't believe it's already been a year since I started blogging. And I can't believe that I almost didn't remember today was the 1 year anniversary. And considering my love of movies, I can't believe I never blogged before last year. Well, I'm making up for lost time now as I recently hit 385 posts. I also have met a lot of friends and fellow bloggers. A few that have turned into real good friends such as Dawn of Noir & Chick Flicks. I actually contribute to several of her wonderful blogs such as Doris Day, Esther Williams, and Singing and Dancing Through Time. We make quite the team. Also there is Tracy aka Gilby37, who I met on What We're Watching on TV. She's been a great friend as well. And Kori of Blonde Episodes, who told me I was one of her few male followers of her blog. And Kori was my first to be my guest on my blog when I started that ongoing series. Other friends include KC, Tom, Sarah, Paul, Laura, Anastasia, Irene and countless more. It's a joy to share with this wonderful blogging community. I look forward to each new day because there are always some great blogs to read. So happy one year anniversary to All Good Things. And I hope to be blogging for many more years to come. The photo above from the film The Best Years of Our Lives fits this occasion perfectly.


  1. Congratulations, Monty!! Many happy returns!!

    I just love this blog - and the other great entries you are doing on other pages. I am very happy that I found you (and your works) here!

    So, again: Congratulations to a marvellous fellow cinema enthusiast!

  2. Congrats, Monty, and best wishes for many happy years of blogging to come. It's great to have you as part of the online classic film community.

    Best wishes,

  3. Monty, Happy Anniversary! You have written so many wonderful posts. I agree we make an awesome team! Look forward to another year here on our classic movie blogs.

  4. Thanks for writing! I always enjoy your blog.
