Thursday, December 2, 2010

The 12 Days of Christmas Movies

Sally of Flying Down To Hollywood is hosting a blogging event, inviting eleven bloggers to join her in blogging about favorite Christmas movies. Only a few people have joined up so far, so if you head on over, you can still leave her a comment to let her know you want to participate. Thanks to Amanda of A Noodle in a Haystack for giving me the heads up. Well, my favorite Christmas movie of all time is Christmas in Connecticut but that pick was already taken. So I will go with another of my favorite films, the 1942 comedy The Man Who Came To Dinner.

It is a manic classic comedy set during Christmas with a lots of star power. When the world famous writer and lecturer Sheridan Whiteside (Monty Woolley) breaks his leg while visiting the home of a prominent Ohio family, he must stay there to recuperate. The family at first is ecstatic to have him stay until they realize what an over-bearing and pompous windbag he really his. Joining him is his personal assistant Maggie Cutler (a subdued Bette Davis). In between frustrating the head of the family, Sheridan, or Sherry as most everyone calls him, must also contend with a newspaper man who is trying to get an interview. The man and Maggie promptly fall in love and Maggie tells Sherry she is leaving him. That won't do so Sherry calls his favorite actress Lorraine Sheldon (a fabulous Ann Sheridan) to come there and break up the happy couple. There are laughs galore in this film and its at a pretty good clip too. Monty Woolley is outstanding in his role as Sherry. He may be hard to deal with it but in the end he will eventually start warming up to others. It's unusual seeing Ms. Davis in a role like this. I mean she has done comedy before and well, but here she is very low key. There are times she kinda fades into the background and is over powered by Ann Sheridan's character. Davis is still good here but I wish during her confrontation scene with Sheridan she was allowed to let loose. In the meantime Ann Sheridan has an absolute great time as Lorraine, trading wisecracks with Sherry and slinging insults to everyone else. Jimmy Durante pops by for a cameo towards the end and he gets a few laughs. The very funny Billie Burke is also on hand as the mother of the put upon family. The Man Who Came To Dinner is a solid comedy which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's not the traditional Christmas movie like Christmas In Connecticut or White Christmas but it's still a very good movie that just happens to take place during Christmas.

Holiday Cheer: 7/10
Like I said this film is not a traditional Christmas film but it does feature a festive atmosphere with all the decorations and people that come and go. Also when Bette and her would be suitor go to the lake and have a little snowball fun, how can you not love it.

Feel-Good Factor: 9/10
While some of the characters may be sarcastic and mean spirited such as Woolley and Sheridan, it's still a fun movie to watch. I mean, it's a comedy after all. And you will laugh quite a bit during it's runtime.

Overall: 9/10
The Man Who Came To Dinner is a treat for all those who watch it. It's Christmas setting makes it even more appealing to watch during the holidays, but it's such a great movie, you can watch it year round.


  1. Thanks for the heads up, Monty!!

  2. I just got this movie from Netflix. I was so happy when I read you were going to write about it. I can't wait to watch it! Great post!!
