Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seven Things I'm Wishing To Happen in 2011 For Movies

Here is a list of 7 things I wish will happen in 2011 as far as films go. Why 7, I have no idea.

1.) Enough with 3D already. I mean it's cool to see some films in 3D, specifically the effects driven ones, but Hollywood needs to rein in the 3D just a bit. Not every film has to be shown in 3D, especially considering the price involved. Dang!
Photo from the movie
2.) The last Harry Potter film ever just has to be excellent. Considering the track record of the films, I don't see that being a problem.

3.) The return of James Bond. Now that Bond studio MGM has settled things financially, they need to make an announcement when the next Bond film will begin shooting. I'm hoping they start this year so it can be out in 2012.

4.) Thanks to the awesome film that is True Grit, more westerns please!

5.) The year of the Portman. I hope Natalie Portman has the biggest year ever. I hope she picks up the Oscar for Black Swan and scores with all her new films like Your Highness, Thor, and No Strings Attached. Go Natalie!

6.) Please Matt Damon and Ben Affleck make another film together. You guys are doing pretty good apart, but would love to see you team up one more time.
The Town
7.) And finally, Hollywood, can we get more story and character driven films ala The Fighter, The Town, etc. I like popcorn movies as much as the next guy, but I would like some substance every now and then as well.

So that's my wish list for 2011 in films, and they are mostly realistic. So I'm hoping most of them will come true.

1 comment:

  1. just stumbled over this post again.. will you do a "what came true" post in December? ;")
