Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Southern Belle: Vivien Leigh.

Vivien Leigh, won two Best Actress Academy Awards for playing "southern belles". First as Scarlett O'Hara, in Gone with the Wind (1939). A story about a young woman named Scarlet, who does not let.. war, Atlanta burning to the ground, the Union Army, carpetbaggers, stop her. But Ashley, the man she is in love with, marring his cousin, Melanie, seems too much for her to handle.

Vivien's second "southern belle" performance was as, Blanche DuBois in the film, A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). A story about a troubled woman named, Blanche DuBois, who comes to stay with her sister in New Orleans. She is tormented by her brother-in-law while she slips deeper into a cruel reality.

Vivien Leigh was considered one of the most beautiful actresses of her era. When asked if she believed her beauty had been a handicap, she said, "People think that if you look fairly reasonable, you can't possibly act, and as I only care about acting, I think beauty can be a great handicap, if you really want to look like the part you're playing, which isn't necessarily like you."


  1. Awesome post. Thank you very much Dawn. I wasn't expecting something so soon. But it's a wonderful post.

  2. Monty, it just a little thank you for all the wonderful posts that you wrote for N and CF.
