Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Audrey Hepburn and Clara are gracious in their defeat with this wonderful post...

Me and my friend Clara from Via Margutta 51 had this friendly bet on the recent match between Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly. She chose Audrey and I took Grace. Whoever lost the match would have to write a post on the other's blog about why they love the actress they chose. Well Grace won out by 2 votes and Clara has graciously written a lovely post about her girl Audrey. It is dated from last year but it is still a wonderful post. Enjoy:

She would be 81 today. "So young?", said my brother. I know what he meant.

The ubiquitous icon, the wonderful actress, the shiny presence, the kindest woman, left us too early.

I've said that Hitch introduced me to classic movies. That's correct. But it was Audrey who showed me that the performers that happened to breath, dream, love and radiate splendor before I was born were worthy to watch. No, more than that: they deserved to be watched.

And there she was. She was Holly Golightly. She was there all dressed up eating her croissant in front of Tiffany's. She was there looking for her shoe and asking "how do I look?". She was there smiling, dancing, hiding her feelings. She was there suffering. She was there, sitting by the window, singing one of the most beautiful songs ever composed, ever written, with her own voice and her absent gaze. She was there drunk. She was there crying, in love, but not sure of anything. And it rained.

And then came "Sabrina", Billy Wilder, William Holden, Bogie, Paris, "Roman Holiday", Gregory Peck, William Wyler, Dalton Trumbo, Rome, "Love in the afternoon", Gary Cooper, Fascination, "Funny face", Stanley Donen, Fred Astaire, Givenchy, the Gershwin brothers, "War and peace", Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, "The Nun's story", Fred Zinemmann, "The Unforgiven", Burt Lancaster, "My Fair Lady", George Cukor, Rex Harrison, "Charade", Cary Grant, "Two for the road", Albert Finney...Audrey presented me so many talented people, such beautiful music and places, so many unforgettable movies.

She educated me and made me a classic film lover.

She lived, she smiled, she looked around with her big eyes. No one, ever, ever, said something negative about her. She was kind and easy to work with. She remembered the terrible war, she remembered poor little Anna Frank. She loved chocolates and cigarettes. She was generous and respected the private life of others and her own. She wanted to love; she was deceived. She loved flowers. She traveled and tried to give some comfort to the innocent, the weak; she was ill. She died. She left us too early.

But she's remembered.  And be sure to check out Clara's amazing blog. Here is the link below:



  1. AWW, thanks for your kind words, Monty!! Oh, and thanks for allowing me to re-post this entry, I guess it was the most sincere post I ever wrote. Hugs from Chile :)

  2. Clara, choosing between Audrey and Grace was like choosing which of my grandmothers I loved more...nearly impossible. They are both SUCH icons of grace, elegance, class, and beauty. Yes, I ultimately chose Grace, but even so, I still consider Audrey to be among the classiest women ever.

    And here's the interesting thing...she is STILL influencing women of today. Two books my 20 year old daughter has recently bought..."What Would Audrey Do?" and "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World." And they're not books just about clothing, but, rather, about cultivating a gracious spirit...the kind of spirit Audrey exuded every day of her life.

    Great post!!

  3. Lovely post, Clara! I love Grace's style and beauty but I chose Audrey because of her warmness, and genuine screen presence.
