Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MARCH MADNESS Round Two Update (Silent/30's Era)

Round Two has been underway all day long featuring what I thought was going to be close matches. That ain't happening. Three of the four matches have turned into routs. Number 1 seed Greta Garbo will be done as she is getting walloped by Myrna Loy 35 to 5. I kind of saw it coming after seeing what Loy did to Jean Harlow in the first one. So it's not looking good for Garbo. As a matter of fact, it's not looking good for the top 3 seeds. Number 2 Barbara Stanwyck is losing to 10 seed Irene Dunne 37-22. Number 3 seed Norma Shearer is losing to 6 seed Claudette Colbert 25-15. But at least Shearer still has a chance to mount a comeback charge tomorrow, down only 10 votes. And while I worried a little about my girl Carole Lombard in the first round, she is handily beating Marlene Dietrich 38-6. It's looking like the next round matches will be Loy vs Lombard and Dunne vs Colbert unless something drastic happens tomorrow. We shall see.


  1. Oh, my, what a shock. Barbara Stanwyck, my #3 actress of all-time, falling to Irene Dunne. I would never have expected that.

    This is a very fun way to observe March Madness...especially because I don't give a hoot about NCAA basketball.

    Happy viewing,

  2. :D yeah, go Irene Dunne. I am so proud of my Dunnie! =)
