Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two Goddesses in APRIL

Next month marks a first for All Good Things. I will have two actresses sharing blog time as my classic movie goddess. Originally I had Betty Grable as the sole CMG as I had already made the schedule out  months ago. Well I recently came into contact with actress Sharon Farrell on Facebook and we talked a little. At first I was just going to do a spotlight psot on her until I realized she has had a career that has spanned some 40 years and she needed more attention. So for the first time ever on my blog, I will have two classic movie actresses in the same month. April 1-15 will be dedicated to Betty Grable while April 16-30 will be about Sharon. Please stop by to check out things on these two wonderful actresses. Plus my friend Dawn will have a speciall post about Betty just for All Good Things. It will all be good here in April.


  1. Monty, because of the wonderful job you have done on your blog. Ive awarded you the "Stylish Blogger award" (Details over at Noir and Chick Flicks).
