Sunday, April 3, 2011

Entertainment Weekly's great tribute to Elizabeth Taylor

Usually when a classic movie star passes, Entertainment Weekly Magazine gives a 1-2 page tribute, if we're lucky. Some notable legends who have passed may only get a brief mention in the form of a paragraph. Well EW in their latest issue, honors Liz in spectacular fashion with a huge 14 page article that covers Liz's entire life. Loaded with photographs and reviews of her films and also pivotal moments in her life are listed. I have to commend EW on getting this one right. It was one of the better tributes for this truly amazing woman. Since the issue just came out, they don't have a link just yet on their website but they do have some interesting side articles about her films, photos, books, etc. Here's the link for that section and hopefully they will have that amazing tribute up pretty soon:,,20465897,00.html


  1. Thanks for the heads up Monty. I'll look for it on the magazine rack this week.

  2. I agree with you Monty; they did a beautiful job with this tribute. I thought I was overloaded with Taylor stories, but I actually got a bit teary reading some of the stories. It was a wonderful thing to find in my mailbox on Friday afternoon!

  3. Monty, like Tom, I will look for it on the news stands. It sounds like a wonderful tribute to Liz.

  4. thank you for mentioning this - (and thank you for commenting on my Goodbye Elizabeth Taylor post. It's a bit weird but I am really sorry that she is gone.) I am going to check out the link you've posted. :")

  5. Adore Liz... was sad that the flowers weren't on her star anymore when I got there.
