Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fun and Music with Betty Grable in Springtime In The Rockies (1942)

One of my favorite Betty Grable films is the wonderful 1942 musical comedy Springtime in the Rockies, which casts her as Broadway star Vicky Lane. Well Vicky gets fed up with her partner Dan Christy (the always engaging John Payne) womanizing ways and hooks up with her ex-partner and former lover Victor Price (Cesar Romero). After this happens, Dan's career takes a turn for the worse and he decides to get Vicky back as a partner and girlfriend. Dan follows her to a ritzy resort in the Canadian Rockies, where she and Victor are about to open their new act. But things get complicated when Dan wakes after a bender to find that he's hired an outlandish Latin secretary, Rosita Murphy (Carmen Miranda), which makes Vicky think he's just up to his old tricks again. This is an enjoyable musical comedy that 20th Century Fox churned out on a regular basis. Betty is top notch as usual and gets great support from this solid cast which also included Charlotte Greenwood and Edward Everett Horton.




  1. Monty, I agree.. A wonderful movie with Betty Grable, Harry James, John Payne and Carmen Miranda. If you love movies from the 40's or 50's you will love this movie. Betty Grable is in her best singing voice. Harry James, no one can compete with his great trumpet playing. Carmen Miranda, what more can you say about this talented South American singer. She steals all the scenes she is in. Not to forget Helen Forrest.. She was Harry James singer for a long time. She sang her signature song, "I Had The Craziest Dream". Too bad they don't make movies like this anymore.

  2. This sounds quite alluring to me..
