Sunday, April 24, 2011

This is a great blogging community...

My friend KC over at Classic Movies asked a bunch of us to fill in for her for a few weeks while she is on maternity leave. Each person is responsible for providing links to other sites and interesting articles. My day is tomorrow so please drop by KC's wonderful blog to check them out. Now to expand on my post title about this being a great blogging community...well it is. When someone needs help or puts on a blogathon, or some type of event, everyone pitches in. Like a family, and that's the way it should be. I've made so many friends since I started blogging and seems to me I get a new friend everyday. It's just a great feeling to be a part of something like this where everyone is nice and friendly. Just wanted to share that everyone, and wish KC well with the birth of her child. The link to her site is below:


  1. I agree, Monty! What a nice post. I'll be looking for your links tomorrow at KC's place!

    Best wishes,

  2. Thanks so much Monty. I feel the same way about this blogging community. The guest linking event has solidified my belief that classic movie bloggers are some of the nicest, most supportive people online. I feel lucky to know all you folks!
