Monday, May 2, 2011


Since so many of my friends and other bloggers comment on my blog on a regular basis, I wanted to honor the person who made the most comments. Nothing more than this little award but at least it's some kind of recognition. I know how busy everyone can get, so to take the time to not only read my posts but to regularly comment on them is a great achievement and I certainly do appreciate all the feedback and wonderful responses. So I will list the top 5 people who made the most comments in the previous month, which for this first award will be the month of April. So here we go, starting with no 5.

5. PATTI (THEY DON'T MAKE 'EM LIKE THEY USED TO - 11 Comments) Patti tied with Dawn as she also made 11 comments in April on my blog. She recently started following my blog as I have been following hers which is a wonderful trip down memory lane. Glad to have met you Patti.

4. DAWN (NOIR AND CHICK FLICKS - 11 Comments) Me and Dawn go way back as we contribute on each blogs and have done so for over a year now. I would truly be lost without her helping me out as much as she has. Dawn is reponsible for a lot of blogs including Doris Day, Esther Williams, Betty Grable, Saddles & Spurs and lots more. Thanks Dawn.

3. TOM (MOTION PICTURE GEMS - 13 Comments)Tom has actually been a big help on my blog as his box-office data has been instrumental in my box office attraction posts. I met Tom over on The Golden Age of Hollywood last year and we've been friends ever since.

2. DESIREE (ROSALIND RUSSELL - 22 Comments) I think I first noticed Desiree on Facebook and we quickly became the best of friends. She always has a great comment to say about any post I write and we recently have become chat buddies. Runner-up spot goes to Desiree.

1. And finally the number #1 fan for April is none other than IRENE PALFY of AND THEN THEY START TO SPARKLE with 23 Comments. Irene has been a really cool friend and we just finished up our Beware These Women Crossover with help from Dawn. Irene is a fun loving gal from Germany who quickly became one of All Good Things biggest fans. So Irene, without further adieu and with help from the wonderful Ann Miller, here is your # 1 Fan Award from me to you.

And just to let everyone know, this will be a regular monthly feature as I wish to recognize all those friends and followers who make it a point to stop by and check out my blog. Thanks again to everyone.


  1. Monty, this is a creative and generous scheme to acknowledge your followers. I’m sorry I missed meeting you on GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD; I cancelled my membership in October of 2009 and I miss the folks who make the site such a fun place to visit.

  2. Hooray to my dear friend Patti for all those comments!!!

  3. haha what a good idea, Monty. I don't comment that often but I always read your posts and enjoy them. I guess I'll comment more often to see if I can get some award next time haha =)

  4. Awww that's so cool!!! i'm #2!!! Really, I"m fine with that because 2 is my favorite number... haha maybe I can get the award next time! Thanks, Monty, my friend :)

  5. Wow! I had no idea that I was that talkative - or stalking! ;")

    Thank you for that lovely Award!! And beautiful Ann Miller!! :")

    With your permission I will go on and comment like smoke! ;")
