Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Big Welcome to Anita to ALL GOOD THINGS

No this is not Anita, but actress Joi Lansing, one of Anita's faves

I would like to introduce everyone to Anita Grinde of Norway. She has graciously accepted my offer to join my blog so she can write some posts dedicated to classic movies. Anita has her own wonderful blog called The Last Treasures and wanted to start a new one focusing on classic movies and stars. She had some reservations about doing one on her own so I asked her to join All Good Things where she could write until her hearts content and not have to worry about any pressure. Some of her favorite stars include Audrey Hepburn, Greer Garson, Lupe Velez, Brigitte Bardot and Joi Lansing. I'm sure she will fit in here with no problem to make All Good Things even better. So with Anita, Dawn and Irene, we have a nice little group of very talented people. Angels is a good description I will use. So everyone please give a big welcome to Anita, as I think she will love being here. Below is a link to her wonderful blog so you can check out how awesome she is:


  1. ohh thank you very much!!!

    Iam looking forward to it and specially to look at Clark Gable thats coming in june..

    May we all be happy doing what we like!!

  2. Welcome Anita!! You have a beautiful travel blog. I'm really looking forward to your future posts.

  3. hi photoes from the cypruzz you mean?Yeah i will be up on those high mountains with myscooter and also have lazy days by the beach..may be i go to the Famangusta as well if we are allowed..i have just learn more of my the photoes are better..thanx for comment and i love this blog and yours!!Have a very good time and happy weekend!!

  4. Hej, Anita! Hjertelig velkommen at Monty's angels.. ;")

    (This was almost all I know of Norwegian..) ;")

    I am curious for your posts.
