Saturday, May 28, 2011

I laughed so much it hurt while watching BRIDESMAIDS...

Bridesmaids is a truly hilarious film that I enjoyed from beginning to end. It focuses on the ever put upon Annie (played to perfection by Kristen Wiig) as she struggles in her daily life. Well her life long best friend Lillian (the engaging Maya Rudolph) is getting married and wants Annie to be her maid of honor. Complicating the matter is Lillian new friend, the upper crust Helen (Rose Byrne) who is jockeying for Lillian's full attention. Also in the bridal party is Lillian's sister in law Megan (Melissa McCarthy in full out comic mode), recently married Becca (Ellie Kemper) and forever married Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey) who longs for an all out bachelorette party in Vegas. Most of the humor comes at the expense of Annie as Wiig is one of the funniest women working today. She is able to get laughs from things such as trying to convince a cop that she isn't drunk by doing the foxtrot. But she also conveys some dramatic moments as she is dealing with her scumbag on/off again boyfriend and her failing bakery business. All the other girls give great comedic support especially Rudolph, McCarthy and Covey. One of the funniest scenes has to be after the girls have lunch at a Brazilian restaurant, they go for some dress fittings and promptly get sick. All of them begin puking and racing for the toilet before they have to go and some don't quite make it. People were dying with laughter doing this whole sequence. Another funny scene has the girls flying to Vegas and Annie getting a little loose after mixing some pills with scotch. She does a terrific 5 minute routine that has to be improv, because she is just spewing total nonsense. After a brief falling out between best friends Annie and Lillian, things are patched back together in time for the climatic wedding, which features 90's pop group Wilson Phillips as guest singers, performing their classic song Hold On. Bridesmaids is one of the funniest films I have ever seen and it's not just a chick flick. These women can get down and dirty and crude just like the guys from The Hangover. And I enjoyed every single minute of it. Oh and look for the recently passed away Jill Clayburgh in a pivotal role as Annie's eccentric mom.
The girls are ready to find some dresses...

Lillian showing her rock to Annie

Annie and Helen in a little duel of the better toasters..

Becca, Rita and Megan

This is the one, right girls?


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! :")

  2. I've watched the trailer last week. But the fact that "the funny girl" should be the fat one (common for most of the movies) made me sick. As someone who has watched the movie, what did you think about it? Love and greetings from Turkey - Elif.

  3. I really want to see this film. It sounds really funny.

