Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A New Blog Everyone Should Be Following: Motion Picture Magic

I recently starting following Ginger's blog Motion Picture Magic and it is way cool. Her real name is Virginia. She started this blog back in February and has written some very entertaining posts. Her most recent one was called Amazing Dance Sequences Of Film, where she count down the top 10 most amazing dance sequences to her. She has a small following so I wanted to let everyone know about her wonderful blog. Please check it ASAP. Here is the link below:http://motionpicturemagic.blogspot.com/


  1. Thank you Monty, both for the compliments and the shout-out! That was very nice of you. :)

  2. Thanks, Monty. I always enjoy it when you point out new blogs that I didn't know about. I added this one to my Google Reader and look forward to following.
