Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's PAUL NEWMAN vs SIDNEY POITIER for the last spot in the FINAL FOUR...


Sidney Poitier had to go into a tie-breaker match with Peter O'Toole and he won 10-7. The question asked of the films the two men made with Katherine Hepburn...Guess Who's Coming to Dinner and The Lion In Winter, which one do you most like. Well Guess Who won out and now Sidney gets to face top seed Paul Newman for the last spot in the men's final four. These two men were good friends in real life and made the movie Paris Blues in 1961. So this should be a very interesting match. Cary Grant, William Holden and William Powell await the winner of this match. Voting becomes immediately and will run through Thursday 8PM EST. Good luck to both men.


  1. OH BOY! Your killin' me! This was a hard one... How do you choose Mr. Tibbs or Butch Cassidy?

  2. I'm disappointed that Jack Lemmon didn't get to the final. He is fabulous!!! Don't you just love him in "Mister Roberts?"

    I'm glad Sidney Poitier made it. He's probably a long-shot, but who would have thought William Powell would have beat out Clark Gable.

  3. I was upset about Jack Lemmon, too, Patti!

  4. I agree with Patti and Kalli -- Lemmon was a greater actor than given credit for by many people. My vote has to go Sidney, much as I like Paul.

  5. They are both great! However, be still my heart Mr. Newman!

  6. Well, I stand corrected! I was totally wrong. :P

  7. Paul Newman vs. anyone is an easy one for me...wonderful actor, wonderful man and that face, those eyes...I've loved him too long to be unfaithful now...

  8. Okay Monty,
    I came over here to root on Paul Newman! (Sorry Poitier I adore you too)

  9. Facile!! Per me vince Paul Newman!!
