Friday, July 1, 2011

Perfect timing...Happy Birthday to Olivia de Havilland who is my Classic Movie Goddess of the month

There has been only one other time when the classic movie goddess of the month celebrated her birthday the month I chose her to be the goddess for her month. That was for Liz Taylor in February of last year. Well Olivia de Havilland is my classic movie goddess for July and her birthday happens to be July 1st. How about that? I had no idea when I made the schedule and picked her for the month of July but now it seems very fortunate and appropriate. So expect some extra little things about the wonderful Olivia all month long. And an extra special happy birthday to Olivia as she is one of the few Hollywood legends still alive.


  1. Oh - I LOVE her!! One of my altime favourite actresses ever!!

    All my best for Olivia de Havilland!!!

  2. Monty, I wrote up a list of my favorite Olivia de Havilland films, to share with you. I hope you enjoy.

  3. A very happy b'day to Olivia. She is one of my very favorite actresses. Have you read her book "Every Frenchman Has One"? It's a delightful read, very clever and humorous. She's a great lady, and I'm glad she's still with us.
