Saturday, August 27, 2011

ALL GOOD THINGS in September

Ahhh, the first taste of fall arrives in this month. And while I may be busy hosting the musical

tournament over at Dawn’s Singin’ and Dancing Back in Time and doing a guest post for Clara
at Via Marguatta 51, I won’t be leaving All Good Things high and dry. Oh and also contributing to
Irene’s And Then They Start To Sparkle. WOW! I will be all over the place next month won’t I?
Anyway here on All Good Things, my classic movie goddess of the month will be Shirley Jones.
Yes, Mama Partridge herself. You know me and Shirley share the same birthday of March 31st, so
I feel a connection to her more than any other star. I think she is a very talented woman and her
films such as The Music Man, Elmer Gantry and Oklahoma show her musical and acting abilities
at her very best. So you know the drill by now, photos, facts, and reviews of her all month long.

The Be My Guest spotlight is on Janine Wild this month and it starts a run of three friends who share a love of classic movies and Irene Dunne. Janine will be naming all her favorites all month long. Following her over the next few months will be her best friends Renata and Desiree. My At The Beach series will be winding down with more pics of stars just hanging out at the beach as the summer season comes to a close. And other assorted goodies when I have the urge to post something like my continuing If It’s Tuesday, Then It Must Be Grace Kelly series. So please stop by for a visit and spend a little time with me and all the classic stars you could want.

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