Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Blog Everyone Should Be Following: Musings Of A Morleysaurus

Jennifer Cooper writes one of the coolest blogs out there in blogland called Musings of a Morleysaurus. She hails from Arbroath, Angus in good old Scotland. She is a self-proclaimed horror nerd and is proud of it. She is a great supporter of indie films and women produced/directed films. Her blog focuses on mainly horror but she also stretches out to include other genres and even dabbles in the classics. She loves Grace Kelly and His Girl Friday to name just some of her favorites. Her recent posts include a 30 day horror movie challenge: A Favorite Classic Horror Movie - The Creature From The Black Lagoon. Oh she is also a fan of such series as Luther, The X-Files, and Sons of Anarchy. I recently started following her terrific blog and I enjoy immensely. I highly recommend her to all of my followers with a taste for all good things wicked and scary and cool. Oh and did I mention she loves Kate Winslet. I had to throw that in there too. But I guess you already knew that from the photo above.
Musings Of A Morleysaurus


  1. She did a post about CREATURE OF THE BLACK LAGOON?? Great - must read it immediately! Must been before I start to follow.. Thank you so much for mentioning that!!

  2. Why thank you so much Monty! And yay, Irene, I listed it as one of my favourite classic horror movies! <3

  3. Jennifer - THAT is MORE than understandable.. ;")
