Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classic Movie Goddess Of The Month - Esther Williams: Part 3 (Video)

As I have not seen enough of Esther movies to compile an essential viewing list of her films, I thought I would close out her month with this beautiful video of clips of her more famous film sequences. And I'm hoping to see Easy To Wed eventually as I recorded it about a week ago from TCM. Now of the few films I have seen of Esther that I can recommend include Bathing Beauty (1944) with Red Skelton; Skirts Ahoy (1952); and Dangerous When Wet (1953) best remembered for her swimming sequence with Tom and Jerry. So hopefully next time Esther is my goddess of the month I will have watched more of her films to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Love that video - great idea to end her month that way! and: Fingers crossed for you and that "watch as much as possible Esther William's films" plan!!
