Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Joan Blondell (1906 - 1979)

One of my favorite screwball comediennes is Joan Blondell and today is her birthday. Joan perfected the wise-cracking girl who was always in the middle of some wild and crazy scenario. She really shined in the films of the 30's, usually either in musicals (Gold Diggers of 1933, Footlight Parade, Dames) or screwball comedies (Kansas City Princess, Stand-In, Smarty, Good Girls Go To Paris). She also starred in several melodramas and gangster flicks during this decade such as Public Enemy, Blonde Crazy, He Was Her Man). And let's not forget her sensational pairings with Glenda Farrell. These two women rocked the film scene like no other female pair in history. In such films like Kansas City Princess, We're in The Money, Traveling Saleslady,  Miss Pacific Fleet, and Havana Widows. These two were awesome together. I plan to write a special post on this duo very soon. So stay tuned. In the meantime, let's all wish Joan a Happy Birthday!
Joan and Glenda


  1. That balloon pic is so charming. So Joan!

  2. Glenda and Joan were in films together? How did I not know this? I really need to see some of their movies. I love how fast they talk!
