Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's my girl Carole...all day long on TCM today

 Carole on the phone, calling everyone to let them know all about her day on TCM...

My favorite actress, Carole Lombard gets the star treatment today on TCM as Summer Under The Stars continue. During the early part of the morning and day they are showing several  of her films that I have never seen before. Such as Fools For Scandal (1938), Lady By Choice (1934) and Virtue (1932). The big one for me will be the afternoon showing of 1939's In Name Only, the one and only film she did with Cary Grant. I have seen it before but it's been awhile. And then after that, TCM shows a stretch of the very best of Carole's films: Twentieth Century, To Be Or Not To Be, Hands Across The Table, Nothing Sacred, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Consider my day booked.


  1. Nothing like a full day of Carole Lombard, is there? Puts a smile on my face.

    Didn't realize she'd only done one film with Cary Grant - what a shame, they could have been such a team.

    I love her in just about anything, but my favorite is her last, Lubitsch's brilliant "To Be or Not To Be."

  2. I watched part of In Name Only because I missed some of it, but I loved what I saw. Carole and Cary had great chemistry!
