Saturday, August 6, 2011


In honor of her birthday and coinciding with Summer Under The Stars, TCM has dedicated 24 hours of nothing but films starring Lucille Ball. I missed most of them that aired today but plan to catch some tonight. Beginning with one of my all time favorite films, Stage Door (1937) at 8 pm. Now I own this film and have seen it dozens of time but can easily watch it again. Lucy's part is a gem as she and Eve Arden get to say all the wise-cracks either of them could ever want. Katherine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers may be the bigger stars in the film but Lucy does not go un-noticed. Later on is Easy To Wed (1946), the remake of Libeled Lady and co-stars Esther Williams and Van Johnson. I have never seen this film but my good friend Dawn is always telling me about it. So I definitely want to watch this one. And then for a nightcap, is the double bill of the two screwball films Lucy did about a starlet named Annabel whose agent (Jack Oakie) constantly puts her through one hilarious publicity stunt after another. So my night is filled as I plan to spend time with a certain redhead.

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