Sunday, November 6, 2011

Deborah Kerr in DREAM WIFE (1953)

Comedy that pairs Deborah with Cary Grant for the first time. They would later team up for the classic film, An Affair To Remember. Dream Wife is an okay little comedy. Not one of the stars best works but gets by thanks to their effortless charms. Grant is a business tycoon named Clemson Reade who is ready to settle down with Effie, a U.S. diplomat (played by Kerr). Well Effie is too busy with work and is not ready to settle down. In comes Tarji, a visiting Eastern princess (played by Betta St. John) who is trained in the art of pleasing men. Clemson is admittedly smitten and begins a courtship of Tarji. With her father being king of an oil rich country, America definitely don't want to ruffle his feathers. So the government tasks a diplomat to oversee the courtship of Clemson and Tarji to make sure everything goes smoothly and no hanky panky occurs before the wedding. And guess what diplomat gets assigned to be baby-sitter? Yep, Effie. And she has a lot of fun making Clemson do as she asks. Like I said Dream Wife is a decent enough comedy that gets by on the wonderful chemistry of Grant and Kerr. Just don't expect too much.

Film: B-
Deborah's Performance: B

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