Monday, November 28, 2011

Deborah Kerr in MAJOR BARBARA (1941)

 This is Wendy Hiller as Major Barbara, but Deborah co-stars as Jenny Hill

Now Deborah Kerr is not the star of this film. That honor goes to Wendy Hiller as the titular character. She is Major Barbara Undershaft, a young and idealistic woman who joins the Salvation Army much to the dismay of her father who is an armament industrialist. This is a comedy but with social commentary and Hiller is top notch as Barbara. Co-starring Rex Harrison and Robert Morley. For her role, Deborah is cast as Jenny Hill, one of the workers in the Salvation Army. She is quiet and touching in her first film role. Very notable and things would only get better for Ms. Kerr in the oncoming years.

Film: B
Deborah's Performance: B

1 comment:

  1. Oh - I am a fan of Wendy Hiller - would love to see this film! Thank you for spotlighting it!
