Saturday, November 5, 2011


All the stars come out to say Happy Anniversary to All Good Things

Somehow I missed mentioning my second anniversary of All Good Things. I think I know what happened. I recently hit my 1,000  post here on my blog a few months ago and didn't realize I was also coming up on 2 years of writing AGT. And probably with so many blogs that I write and contribute to, it just got lost in the shuffle. I started writing this blog back in October of 2010 and it has been a joy to do. I've met so many great bloggers who have become great friends through our mutual love of classic films and stars. Friends like Irene, Sarah, Patti, Dawn, KC, Emily, John (Mythical Monkey), Jennifer, Kori, Sophie, Audrey, Lily, Clara, and so many more. And then even more through Facebook like Jessica, Janine, Renata, Robin, Desiree, Tom, Tracey, Julia, and Jandy among others. Well it's been a wonderful 2 years so far and I hope to be writing this blog for a long time coming. Thanks to everyone that is a reader and drops by every now and then.


  1. Happy blog-i-versary, Monty! It's been a fun two years.

  2. Congrats! Our love of TV led to our friendship! I was honored to "be your guest" last July! Here's to more years of blogging!

  3. Happy blog anniversary, Monty! I'm glad you are blogging and that our paths crossed. It's great fun talking classic films with you!!

  4. Congrats!! On two Awesome years blogging together. You are a great friend!

  5. I can't stop staring at that montage!

    Congratulations and I'm so happy to have discovered this blog.

  6. That collage is beautiful. I can't believe you've only been around 2 years. I feel like you've been here for much longer! Congratulations on your anniversary. You're a fantastic blogger and being your guest was a blast. Here's to many more years!

  7. Happy Bloggiversary, Monty, and here's to many more great years of blogging!!

    Best wishes,
