Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Sidebar Lists: My Favorite Actors/Actresses

Taking a page from my good friend Patti of They Don't Make 'Em Like They Use To, I have created my favorite actors/actresses lists on my sidebar. I've done posts about my faves before but I thought it would be cool to have the lists on my sidebar as well. And they may change from time to time, but for the most part will remain the same, give or take a few people. So if you're interested, just take a gander to your right to see who my current faves are. Of course my top actor/actress should be no surprise to anyone...


  1. We have several of the same people on our list...especially the fabulous and incredibly good-looking William Holden.

    I think this is a cool thing to do, as it sort of lets people know what to expect when they visit your blog!!

  2. Monty, I like this idea too. I started doing it when I first set up my blog. Other things have taken their place at the top of the sidebar, but I have a long list of pics and captions about my favorite actors and authors. Hey, glad to see The Great Flynn pretty high up on your list!
