Saturday, December 3, 2011

All Good Things 2011 Classic Stars Of The Year

Welcome to the first annual Classic Stars of the Year list as chosen by All Good Things. These are the stars that made the most noise on my blog. That I wrote and talked about the most or who won the most tournaments or polls. In general the best of the best. I based it on Entertainment Weekly's yearly Entertainers of the Year list. So there will be 12 distinguished actors and actresses who made the cut (1 for each month) and I will begin with number 12 and work my way down to number one.
Virginia and Jimmy Cagney in the classic film WHITE HEAT (1949)

12.) VIRGINIA MAYO - The stylish actress makes it onto the list thanks to her recent birthday and my mini-marathon of watching several of her movies which aired on TCM. Virginia was one of the first of my classic movie goddesses I did when I started my blog two years ago. She has surged to my favorite actress list and resides at number 20. A very talented actress who deserved a lot more praise and attention. Well Virginia you have some attention now as you are one of the top classic stars on All Good Things.
Burt showing off his Rose Tattoo

11.) BURT LANCASTER - Started doing some short reviews recently and Burt was quite a frequent topic with such films as From Here To Eternity, Seven Days In May and Elmer Gantry. Burt is one of my fave actors and never gave a bad performance. Well in my opinion anyway.

Shirley looking so beautiful

10.) SHIRLEY JONES - Shirley was a recent classic movie goddess and she was the reason I changed my format a little showcasing my goddesses. And it appears you guys like the new format so I think I shall stay with it. Thank Shirley for that.

The one and only Grace Kelly

9.) GRACE KELLY - I do a weekly feature about Grace called If's It Tuesday, Then It Must Be Grace Kelly. I have no other recurring series featuring a sole star..not even Cary Grant or Carole Lombard. So that says a lot about Grace doesn't it. Also did a recent post comparing a modern actress to her in my From the Past to Now series. Yes, I do love Grace Kelly. Not to mention the fact her film Rear Window won my favorite Hitchcock film tournament.

The English Rose, Deborah Kerr

8.) DEBORAH KERR - One of my best classic movie goddess features yet as I had an awesome time writing about Deborah last month. Such an amazing actress and I just love gushing about her. Expect her to appear quite a bit here on All Good Things.

One of the frequent beach pics that put Joan on this list

7.) JOAN BLONDELL - Take one guess who was the star that I posted about the most during my At The Beach photo series over the summer...none other than Joan Blondell. Not Marilyn, not Rita Hayworth, not Ava Gardner..but Joan. A funny, beautiful and super talented classic star like no other.
Even dirty, Errol is all smiles

6.) ERROL FLYNN - The dashing Flynn was a hot topic here and at the blog I co-write with Irene Palfy, Let The Show Begin. In fact he was the first star on that maiden blog when we launched it last month. And Mr. Flynn has since rocketed up my favorite actor list to now settle in the top ten.

Joan posing a little

5.) JOAN CRAWFORD - Why hello Joan Crawford. Joan has been racking up Monties this year (2 so far, and a possible third on the way...1945 is on deck..Mildred Pierce anyone). I even wrote a post about her rubbing that fact in to her rival Bette Davis. All in good fun though. And thanks to my friend Jessica Rowe on FB, I have become a much bigger Joan fan than ever before.


 4.) ELIZABETH TAYLOR - When the divine Liz passed way earlier this year, the whole world felt the loss. She was one of a kind. She is a frequent topic here on All Good Things. And that won't end anytime soon.
Carole looking so beautiful!

 3.) CAROLE LOMBARD - My all time favorite actress ever! Hands down! I love Carole Lombard. I can watch her films all day long. And I can definitely talk about her all day long too. I was so proud of her run in the favorite actress tournament and now that she is winning big in my recent poll. Just overjoyed. I tend to post random pics about Carole for absolutely no reason..just because it's Carole!
Cary getting ready yet again for another honor

 2.) CARY GRANT - And my all time favorite actor..none other than Cary Grant. Winner of 3 Monties this year, winner of Favorite Actor in All Good Things Tournament this year, and the ost written about star here on this blog with 54 entries. Wow! Cary is the man!

Congratulations Irene! On a terrific year!

1.) IRENE DUNNE - There really could be only choice as to the Classic Star of the Year here on All Good Things. Irene Dunne. Like Cary, she dominated in the tournament for actresses, even knocking off my girl Carole. Won a Montie for The Awful Truth. And is the most frequent actress I have blogged about with 36 entries. I place Irene ahead of Cary because she had a lot more competition to deal with. Cary kind of walked his way through his tourney and was the top choice. Irene had to work her way up the chain and take on such heavyweights like Carole Lombard, Barbara Stanwyck, Grace Kelly and Vivien Leigh. And came out on top. So congratulations Irene, you are the Classic Star Of The Year!

Here's to another great year in 2012!

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