Sunday, January 22, 2012


Here's a quick preview of the things happening next month on All Good Things. Jean Harlow, the Platinum Blonde will be the classic movie goddess. Expect all the regular goodies about the goddess all month long: photos, reviews of  her films, facts, trivia, etc. My guest of the month is still up in the air. Either I will have two or none. I'm waiting to hear back from either one of my friends who I invited to be here. They have the questions so it will just be a matter of time when I hear from them. Also the theme next month will be romantic films since Valentine's Day falls in February. And I will start previewing the big Favorite Classic Actress Tournament, that is coming up in March. And all the other usual stuff that goes on here like match play, If It's Tuesday, Pawsome Pet Pictures, etc. So please do drop by and stay a spell.

 My love of classic movies is beyond measure



  1. Sounds like a great always.

    I adore romantic films, especially romantic dramas. I can never watch too many of them. So I will look forward to you showcasing romantic movies in honor of Valentine's Day.

  2. BTW, Monty if you ever need a substitute guest, feel free to contact me.
