Monday, January 2, 2012

Be My Guest - Emily (Part 1)

My first guest of the year is my good friend Emily, who writes the wonderful blog The Silver Screen Affair. She was originally going to be my guest last year but didn't have the time. So when she emailed me a few months ago, she said she could do it, I told her she would be my first guest of the year. I had revamped my Q&A a little, dropping some questions and adding some new ones. The total count now is 15. So we really get to know a lot about everyone. Which also means, my former guests may get called on again for a second appearance. But this month it's all about Emily. Here is some facts about Emily in her own words. She currently resides in Orange, California.  She describes herself as a gal who was definitely born in the wrong decade. I am obsessed with oldie films, sewing, vintage finds, and anything but the ordinary. Now let's get to our little chat with the girl in question.
My guest for the month, Emily

Me: What made you start blogging?

Emily: I was always finding myself trying to share movie trivia or discuss a great oldie that I had just seen with friends only to have their response be blank stares or lack of interest. I needed an outlet with other oldie film nerds like me.

Me: I know that feeling well...

Me: Who are your favorite classic film stars? Name as many as you want.

Emily: Cary Grant. Lauren Bacall. After them, they come in no particular order… Katharine Hepburn, Loretta Young, Lucille Ball, Esther Williams, Charlotte Greenwood, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Mitchum, Fred Astaire, Judy Holliday, Gene Kelly, Joan Crawford, Betty Grable, Bette Davis…

Me: Hey you had me at Cary Grant. And the fact that Lauren is my classic movie goddess this month is perfect timing to your response.

Me: What are some of your favorite films?

Favorite movie ever is “The Women” 1939. Others include “Desk Set”, “Mildred Pierce”, “Sunset Blvd.”, “Sabrina”, “Suspicion”, “Now, Voyager”, “Moon Over Miami”, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, and “Adam’s Rib”. I also have a few newbies that are on the list such as “The Aviator”, “The Royal Tenenbaums”, and “The Village”.

Me: I love The Women. While it is not my fave movie of all time, it is my favorite movie from 1939. And it does resides in my top 25. But not a fan of Tiffany's. Sunset Blvd, Sabrina, Moon over Miami, Sabrina, Suspicion I do like them though. Good choices.

Me: Describe your first classic movie experience.

Emily: I was nine years old visiting my grandparents in Arizona. My brother and I were tired of swimming and bored. My grandmother put in “Roman Holiday”. I didn’t want to watch it because I thought black and white movies were dumb. Ten minutes in and I was hooked. And so it began.
Me: That fits the old adage of tasting something you never had before and thinking it's gonna be awful. Glad it turned out that you liked them.
OK, everyone this wraps up part one of my chat with Emily. We will be back shortly in a few days with part 2.
And don't forget to check out Emily's very cool blog. Here's the link: The Silver Screen Affair


  1. Besides MOON OVER MIAMI and THE VILLAGE - which I don't know yet - and BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S - which just isn't my cup of tea - I love all the films you mentioned, Emily.

    Great to learn more about you!

  2. Nice! Really cool stuff and very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

    nightclub guest list

  3. How nice to get to know Emily. I will make it a point to stop by her blog. I can surely relate to the blank stares she gets from friends when she talks classic movies. All of my friends are the same way. I have pretty much stopped posting anything about them on my FB page, because with the exception of Monty, Dawn, and Irene, no one else is interested. I can feel like I am talking to myself!!

    Oh, Emily, "Roman Holiday" is the film that did it for me as well.

    I have never heard of Charlotte Greenwood. I guess I'm not as knowledgeable as I thought I was.

    Thanks for sharing, Emily!

  4. Nice to meet you Emily. I love your taste in films..

  5. Thanks all for the kind comments! I know not everyone has the same taste in oldies, but some how we all get along :)
