Sunday, February 19, 2012


The big news for March is of course the Favorite Classic Film Actress tournament. Featuring a whopping 128 contestants and spread across four blogs, this tourney should be very exciting. With help from John of Mythical Monkey and Desiree of Rosalind Russell, there is no doubt this tourney will be more competitive than last year's. Now while that will take up most of my time, there are still other things going on here next month. The classic movie goddess of the month will be one of my all time favorites, Teresa Wright. The quiet and popular actress, who is also competing in the tourney, will be represented with photos, facts and reviews of  her films. My guest of the month will be my good friend Patti of They Don't Make 'Em Like They Use To. She always writes the best reviews on her blog and has even made copies of movies that I didn't have and sent to me. What a great friend. So March is poised to be a very big month. It can't get here soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to read Patti's answers here! I am sure that will be fabulous! Also looking forward for Teresa Wright..
