Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Be My Guest - Kim (Part 1)

Due to certain circumstances, I might have 3 guests this month or just one. Not for sure yet. When I did not know if the first people I asked was going to make it this month, I asked Kim Wilson of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die to fill in. I sent her the questions one morning and by the end of the day she had answered all 14. So Kim will have the honor of going first. And if no other guests show up, then Kim will came through for me big time. A little facts about Kim before we get started. She hails from Cincinnati, Ohio. Her interests are films, books and playing games. She has two Malti-Poos named Buffy and Carmie. And in addition to her blog 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, she also co-writes the series Two Dames Dishing with Becky of Classic Becky's Brain Food. So now onto the questions. Oh and here's a link to Kim's wonderful blog: 1001moviesblog

Me: What made you start blogging?

Kim: I started blogging at the TCM classic film union when I began my quest to see the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Then, some friends from the CFU started their own blogs—one being the Classic Film and TV CafĂ©—and I became a contributor. Once I’d built up enough posts I started my own blog.

Me: Hey I joined that as well. It's a cool place to hang out.


Me: Who are your favorite classic film stars? Name as many as you want.

Kim: Females in this order - Catherine Deneuve, Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Greta Garbo, and Katharine Hepburn

Males in this order: Paul Neuman, William Powell, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, and Charles Boyer

Me: I believe you're the first person to name Catherine Deneuve as one of your faves, besides me. Cool. And you have Cary up there as well. A plus as well.


Me: What are some of your favorite films?

Kim: Too many to list! Tops from the 30s to the 70s:

1930s: The Thin Man, Camille, My Man Godfrey, The Awful Truth, Jezebel, Bringing Up Baby, Gone with the Wind, Ninotchka, and The Wizard of Oz

1940s: The Philadelphia Story, The Lady Eve, Now Voyager, Notorious, Spellbound, Mildred Pierce, To Be or Not To Be, The Red Shoes, and The Best Years of Our Lives

1950s: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, All About Eve, The Quiet Man, Singin’ in the Rain, The Bridge of the River Kwai, The Ten Commandments, Smiles of a Summer Night, The Earrings of Madame de…, and Gigi

1960s: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Apartment, Spartacus, Hud, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, The Producers, Dr. Strangelove, and Z

1970s: Patton, Rocky, Network, The Godfathers (Part II is the best though), and Chinatown

Me: From the 30's alone, you have some marvelous faves. I like how you broke them down by years too.


Me: Describe your first classic movie experience.

Kim: It would have to be watching The Wizard of Oz every year with my family. I wrote about it on my blog last year. Basically, it was a bonding experience I shared with them every year.

Me: Awesome! Well that wraps up part one of my interview with Kim. Check back in a few days as we continue with some more lively discussions.


  1. Love these kind of posts and getting to know a fellow blogger even better. You hit so many favorites, Kim, and you make me want to see every one again soon. I must admit, however, I have never seen Umbrellas -- looks like I need to track that down. Monty, thanks for an enjoyable idea for your wonderful blog!

  2. Kim, I will have to check out the classic films, Smiles of a Summer Night, The Earrings of Madame de.

    Monty, Awesome interview!

  3. Monty, I love that you do these interviews each month. It's really fun getting to know so many other classic movie-lovin' bloggers.

    Also, just have to say, I have an online friend who also bears the name Kim Wilson...not the same gal, though, as my Kim Wilson is absolutely not into these wonderful classic films.

    Thanks for sharing, Kim!!

  4. Becky, how can our Dames endeavor continue if you haven't seen Umbrellas--as it is at the core of my being. LOL! Anyway, from time to time Netflix has it on its instant watch list, but not right now.

    Dawn, of the two films, Earrings is the most mesmerizing (it's French!). I'm pretty sure it was just on TCM, but you can find it at Netflix. Smiles of a Summer Night is Swedish and also available on Netflix.

    Patti, there are many who share my name out there. I went to a college with a girl who had the same name--middle name included, but thankfully I had a hyphenated middle name so I became Kimberly J.M. Wilson (you can find my publications under this "professional" name). Personally, my family thinks it's very pretentious. LOL
