Sunday, February 5, 2012

Be My Guest - Kim (part 3)

Back for round 3..take it away Kim.

Me: What are some of your favorite film quotes?

Kim: Just to name a few:

From The Lady Eve: “I need him like the ax needs the turkey.”

From The Awful Truth: “"I wouldn't go on living with you if you were dipped in platinum."

From Notorious: “"We are protected by the enormity of your stupidity."

From Who Framed Roger Rabbit: "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."

From Now, Voyager: “Oh Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.”

Me: I love The Awful Truth. Great quotes from that movie.


Me: What classic films have you yet to see for one reason or another?

Kim:I don’t know, I’ve seen a lot of films. I’ve seen all but 43 films on the 1001 (really 1089 now) list, but that has to do with them not being on DVD or ever being shown on TV.

Me: Wow! Kim, that is impressive!


Me: What is your favorite genre?

Kim: Musicals…I just love a good song and dance show. You may have noticed that a lot of my favorite films happen to be musicals.

Me: I love musicals as well.

Well we're almost done with Kim's be my guest stint. Please come back in a few days for the final set of questions. Thank you so much everyone!


  1. Oh, Kim, that "Now, Voyager" quote is one of my faves as well. That is my all-time favorite romantic movie and my all-time favorite movie period. I LOVE it! And that line comes at such a beautiful time in the film...the incredibly lovely score, Charlotte looking beautiful, and Jerry so romantically lighting 2 cigarettes. Only that beautiful line could improve upon that scene.

  2. From Who Framed Roger Rabbit: "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."

    Love it!!
