Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Classic Film Survey Hosted by: Frankly, My Dear

Rianna of Frankly, My Dear started this wonderful survey this month and I had to join in on the fun, as I noticed so many of my friends were doing it. Plus Rianna's blog is so cool. So here are my answers and if you wish to take the survey as well, here is the link to Rianna's blog. Tell her Monty sent you...

Frankly, My Dear

1. Favorite Classic Disney?

Lady and The Tramp (1955) A great family movie and one of Disney's best. I love dogs so this was a treat to watch growing up. I watch it at least once a year. Can't go wrong with this one. Just a wonderful film.

2. Favorite film from the year 1939?

As heralded as Gone With The Wind is from that golden year, my favorite is The Women. I mean an all-star cast of some of the biggest actresses in one film: Shearer, Crawford, Russell, Fontaine, Goddard. Laughs aplenty and some excellent acting by the ladies.

3. Favorite Carole Lombard screwball role?

Tough one for me since Carole is my fave actress of all time and I loved her in pretty much everything she did. If I had to choose only one though I would go with her role as Ann Krausheimer in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Love her in that one. Too funny.

4. Favorite off screen couple? (It's ok if it ended in divorce)

Clark Gable and Carole Lombard...hands down

5. Favorite pair of best friends? (i.e - Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda, Joan Crawford and Barbara Stanwyck, etc.)

I would say Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy McDowall. Their friendship just seemed so real.

6. Favorite actor with a mustache? (i.e: Charlie Chaplin, William Powell)

William Powell

7. Favorite blonde actress?

Grace Kelly..without a doubt.

8. Favorite pre-code?

I would probably say Gold Diggers of 1933

9.  Which studio would you have liked to join?

Warner Bros would be cool, but I think I will have to go with MGM first. Then maybe later on be signed by WB.

10. Favorite common on screen pairing that SHOULD have gotten married?

I would say Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland

11.  Favorite I Love Lucy episode?

The one where she meets William Holden

12. Lucille Ball, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Natalie Wood, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, and Greer Garson - which one do you like the best?

Grace Kelly!

13. Shadowy film noir from the 1940's or splashy colorful musicals from the 1950's?

I love them both but if I had to choose one, I would pick the film noir's of the 40's.

14.  Actor or actress with the best autograph (photo preferred)?

Ruth Hussey

15.  A baby (or childhood or teenage) photo of either your favorite actress or actor (or both, if you'd like)?

Carole Lombard

And done...I must admit that was a lot of fun. Can't wait to do another one!
You see..I'm rhyming...that's how much fun I had!


  1. Loved your answers Monty! Esp. Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy MacDowell! (they were close to make it to my list, too..) Great to see the wonderful Ruth Hussey there, too!

  2. Such interesting answers to such interesting questions. I'm not surprised at your good taste.

    "Lady and the Tramp" was the first movie I saw at the movies. My, I'm getting old!

  3. Hi Monty, thanks for participating in the survey! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Ruth Hussey's autograph is lovely; she's a terribly underrated actress, I think. I think you're the first to choose Errolivia for #10, and I'm glad that you did, I love the two of them together.

    Once again, thanks for doing this! :)
