Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last minute subsitution....

The 128 field for the upcoming Favorite Classic Movie Actress tourney has been set for over a week now. Until last night when I decided to make one small change in the 60's era field. Specifically in the singers/dancers category where I dropped Anita Ekberg and replaced her with Edie Adams. Edie is a spectacular comedienne, but also a fabulous singer. She had a string of solid films during the 60's including The Apartment, Lover Come Back and It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. So I apologize to all Anita fans as she won't be making the tourney this year but maybe next year she will. I know 128 women may seem like a lot, but there are tons more actresses who got left out again. Gonna have to do something about year!


  1. As a devoted fan of Edie Adams, her presence is most welcome.

  2. Will change the roster. And please do make amends to Anita in the near future.
