Monday, March 19, 2012

The Essential Teresa Wright Films

I can't think of anyone who had a better start to their film career than Teresa Wright. Five of her first six films are what I consider her best films, her essential films. The ones that you must see that shows Teresa at her very best. Please note that for her first three films, Teresa received Oscar nominations, as far as I know, she is the only person ever to do such a thing. Here they are in chronological order.

Teresa's very first movie has her sharing the screen with the legendary Bette Davis

THE LITTLE FOXES (1941) Talk about a tall order for your very first film. Co-starring with the always amazing Bette Davis, Teresa does a solid job as daughter Alexandra to Bette's Regina. Her performance was good enough that she received a Best Supporting Actress nomination. The story deals with the going ons of a ruthless family jockeying for money and position. It's Bette's show all the way but the supporting cast is pretty good too.  Besides Wright, you have Herbert Marshall, Dan Duryea, Charles Dingle and Richard Carlson.

Teresa in a tender moment with Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver)

MRS. MINIVER (1942) One of my favorite films of all times casts Greer Garson as the titular character who bands her family together to survive World War Two. Teresa has a plum role of Carol Beldon, the sweet young lass who is courted by Mrs. Miniver's son. Expertly directed and her first Oscar win as Best Supporting Actress.

I love ya Lou!

THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES (1942) Teresa was awesome as Eleanor Twitchell Gehrig, wife to baseball player Lou Gehrig. The chemistry between Teresa and Gary Cooper was perfect and Teresa could have easily won the Oscar again, but sadly did not.

Charlie spending time with Uncle Charlie (Joseph Cotten)

SHADOW OF A DOUBT (1943) Next up is my 3rd favorite Hitchcock film ever, behind only The Lady Vanishes and Rear Window. Teresa plays Charlie Newton, who learns that her visiting uncle Charlie (the always reliable Joseph Cotten) may be the Merry Widow killer. So she turns sleuth to see if it's true. One of Hitch's best and most suspenseful films. Wright deserved another Oscar for her performance here, which I think might be her best performance. But regardless, sit back and enjoy one hell of a movie.

Teresa as Peggy Stephenson making breakfast for Fred Derry (Dana Andrews)
in The Best Years Of Our Lives

THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES (1946) And finally my favorite film of Teresa. The story focuses on three World War two veterans who return home and try to adjust to civilian life. Teresa plays Peggy, daughter of Al (Fredric March, one of the returning veterans). But her story involves falling in love with Fred Derry (played by Dana Andrews) who returns from the war to an unfaithful wife (Virginia Mayo). One of my top 10 favorite films of all time. This is how you define a true classic.

So there you have it, my favorite films of Teresa Wright. Think I will go watch one right now.

My love of classic films is beyond measure



  1. A wonderful list! I also really like her "Western noir" PURSUED with Robert Mitchum.

    Best wishes,

  2. I love this: "My love of classic films is beyond measure." I think enthusiasm and showing appreciation are two of your best qualities Monty!

  3. I love Teresa Wright and I pretty much agree with all your selections. And Pursued is a strange but fascinating little movie with Wright as the vengeful, vaguely incestuous love interest.

  4. Nice little list - some of my alltime favourites in there.. Really really like Teresa Wright..

  5. I haven't seen Pursued but sounds like it would be very good. Have to check it out. Thanks everyone for the nice comments.

  6. Sam Goldwyn liked her a lot, so that helped her get some great early roles. She had one heck of a beginning.

  7. Just this year.. I started watching Teresa Wright, classics. So, your list will be very helpful.. Thanx :)
