Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thank you Sophie and John

I want to thank Sophie of Waitin On A Sunny Day and John of Mythical Monkey for giving me this award, the 7 x 7 Link Award.

Now, according to the rules, I have to:

  • Tell everyone something that no one else knows about
  • Link to one of my posts that I personally think best fits the following categories: Most Beautiful Piece, Most Helpful Piece, Most Popular Piece, Most Controversial Piece, Most Surprisingly Successful Piece, Most Underrated Piece, and Most Pride-worthy Piece
  • Pass this award on to seven other bloggers

Something that no one else knows about: Ummm...let me see, something no one else knows...the only thing I can think of is..that I can't swim. Yeah, after all these years, still can't swim.

Most Beautiful Piece: I would have to say this post about my girl Carole Lombard... why-carole-lombard-is-my-favorite actress. Why she means so much to me.

Most Helpful Piece: Don't know how helpful this is but I love doing my series, A Blog Everyone Should be following. Where I spotlight a newer blog just getting it's start. I know how hard it is to attract readers when you first start so I try my best to spread the word. new-blog-everyone-should-be-following

Most Popular Piece: Surprisingly it's a piece on a more modern film. It's from my annual series that focus on fun summer movies and it has been viewed nearly 4,200 times. It's Animal House. Yeah I'm kinda shocked by that too! But hey it's a funny movie. fun-summer-movies-national-lampoons-animal house. And I had a great time writing it.

Most Controversial Piece: I really can't think of any controversial post I have done here on my blog. I mean the only issue I may have caused was when a person from another country called me out and said my blog was too "American". That there are a lot more films made outside of America. Which is true but in my defense I have seen a lot more American films than any other country. So that's why my blog is filled with them.

Most Surprisingly Successful Piece: Just a single photo..but it generated a lot of hits. It's a good one, no argument from me. That's why I posted it. i-love-this-doris-day-photo

Most Underrated Piece: Probably the piece I did about Sidney Poitier's work in these two films, The Blackboard Jungle and To Sir With Love. I kind of wrote from the heart on that one but I think I was the only one who may have saw and read it. Well with the exception of one Miss Irene Palfy, who I thank immensely! But it's cool. sidney-poitier-goes-from-juvenile to teacher

Most Pride-worthy Piece: I guess that would be my classic actress tournaments I have been putting on. I am very proud of them and they seem to be enjoyed by lots of people. So I will keep them doing them until someone says..Monty, please stop with these things already! classic-movie-actress-tournament

Now I have to tag 7 bloggers. I will try not to retag anybody as best I can.
Sarah of and..scene
Kristin Rae of kristincreative
Anastasia of lilylemontree


  1. Congrats on the award! And you're super awesome to nominate me as well :)

    And that picture of Doris Day is great! Hilarious shirt!

  2. uhm.. yes.. ONE Miss Irene Palfy loves to discuss your posts with you, Mr. Monty Hawes.. So: go on writing your marvellous posts! You have an European fan base for sure.. ;")

  3. I think your "new blog everyone should be followings posts" are completely awesome!! Because you reach out to newcomers, you help them find a niche in the classic movie blogging community. It's not always easy to break into a new community, whether that be a physical community or a virtual one, but people like you help in the transition. So, a hearty thank you from me for that.

    Also, I know I read your Sidney Poitier post...because I put "Blackboard Jungle" on my "want to watch" list. I must not have commented on it...which is rare, because you know me, I am definitely a commentor...and a wordy one at that!

    Finally, I don't think there is a single person who is going to say "Enough already!" about your wonderful tournaments. They are so much fun, and I think I speak for all of us in saying "well done...and thank you."''

    I see you got rid of that horrid word verification. I hope you don't end up with too many spam comments. (I recently took it off my blog too; I hadn't even known it was on, but thankfully, my friend Victoria mentioned it to me.)

  4. Congratulations Monty! And thank you so very much my friend for passing this super award on to me! What fun! I will get on to a proper thank you right away!!
