Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Favorite Things I love about Greta Garbo

Today marks the first day of a new month which means a new classic movie goddess. And that honor goes to the one and only Greta Garbo. All month long I will post pics, facts, trivia, and of course reviews of her films.

I will begin with my usual series called My Favorite Things. The things I love most about Greta.

1. The voice. Her very distinct voice was one of the best assets Greta had.

2. Her face. So beautiful and was actually her nickname at one point.

3. A true icon. You say Garbo, and everybody knows who you are talking about.

4. While she did tons of melodramas, my favorite film of hers is the romantic comedy, Ninotchka.

5. Her great style of fashion. No one looked better in a beret than she did.

6.  Extremely talented. Watch any of her films and it is acting 101. Pure and simple.

7. Just because...she is GARBO!


  1. Many reasons to love Garbo. She was one of a kind. Who walks away at the height of their career because they don't want to be bothered anymore? Garbo...

  2. I think it was awesome that Gary Cooper, was one of her favorite actors. She requested him for several of her films, but nothing ever came of it...

  3. She was one of the best and a true icon!

  4. There really wasn't anyone like her....and since.

    Katherine Hepburn attested to this.

    On a personal level, as I develop my stage play about her I find more and more about this interesting creature!
