Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2012 Cinematic World Tour Update

 The only way to travel...as Nick and Asta show us how to do it
...Nora must be in the bathroom...

Hi everyone. Just wanted to do a quick little post about my upcoming blogathon, The 2012 cinematic world tour. I know that some of you have already signed on to take this trip with me. Just wanted to get some details out of the way. The blogathon will kick off Memorial Day weekend and I plan to post about England, I think. Not quite sure yet. And it will run through Labor Day. You can do one post or multiples ones. The more the merrier. I just ask that you give the month you plan on doing it. Doesn't have to be a specific date, just the month you plan on posting your trip. Be it this month, June, July, August or the first week in September. And then just link back to my blog so I can let all my readers know that your post is up. If everyone would be so kind as to leave a comment here on this post of their intentions, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

Monty: May 25th- June 3rd (England...tentatively)


  1. I will be joining in...count me in for June, maybe July and August too.

    Sounds fun...I'm always ready for a trip...preferably to someplace warm and tropical.

  2. Since I have no idea what I'm going to do, I'll sign up for July. Hopefully inspiration will strike before then.

  3. Definitely August. I'm thinking of keeping my trip local and including key parts of California!

  4. I'd love to join this trip!
    I will be posting in August into the first week in September, touring the American West, Hawaii, Rome, and the Middle East. Maybe doing a little time travel too.
