Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Anne Baxter welcomes Jean Arthur

 Monty has asked me to welcome the wonderful Jean Arthur as next month's Classic Movie Goddess. So here I am. First let me say I had a wonderful time for my turn this month and that Monty did a pretty good job. Now let's everyone give a big classic Hollywood style welcome to Miss Jean Arthur.

Welcome Jean...you will have a great time here.

Jean: Wow, thank you Anne. I did not expect such a welcome. I am so honored that Monty has chosen me to be the next goddess. I really never considered myself a goddess, so this will be a new experience for me.

Anne: Yeah, me too. But it's a great honor. Monty usually does a wonderful job. I know I had a great time.

Jean: Yes. Well thank you guys both for this welcome and I can't wait for next month.

Me: Thanks Anne for welcoming Jean and to you Jean, I can't wait for next month either.


  1. Anne, thanks so much for joining us this month. We loved having you here (even if Ann Sheridan did try to take over a bit!!).

    And, Jean, welcome. You are a total delight, and we will look forward to hanging with you for the next month.
