Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cinematic World Tour Blogathon: California, Here I Come

Since I thought of this blogathon event I figured I needed to be the first to do a post. I was hoping to go abroad and eventually might before the summer is over, but I decided to start with California, a place I have never been before. Maybe my good friends that I met through blogger and facebook will put me for a night or two as well. Like Desiree, Kori and Valarie. I will call ahead to see if that's cool with them. Anyway some of the places that were captured on film for California feature some very cool spots that would be awesome to see up close. So let's begin shall we...


First off I have to visit Big Sur, where The Sandpiper (1965) was filmed. Even though it stars larger than life Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, the backdrop of Big Sur overshadows them both. One of the most gorgeous places in the world and so lovingly captured on film. Have to go there definitely. I mean it is so beautiful just going by what I saw on display in The Sandpiper, it has to be even more amazing when you actually see it.

Enjoy a casual drive in San Francisco....

But try not to get on the bad side of SFPD...they usually shoot first, 
then ask questions later

Probably venture over to San Francisco to check out the streets where top cops Bullitt (Steve McQueen) and Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) performed their duties. Would be very cool to engage in a car chase but we will keep things legal and safe.

Now listen when the tourists start arriving...that's when I will give the signal...
and everyone just go crazy!

Drop by Bodega Bay for a spell, where Hitchcock set his bird frenzy fest The Birds. But the first sign of seeing birds giving me the evil eye, I'm so out of there.

Looks like fun at the park if you decide to visit Santa Rosita

Stop by the Santa Rosita State Park, home to It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) to kick back and just relax. Now if we come across a treasure map, then we're off on a little scavenger hunt then.

From a long lost era..the 60's...American Graffiti..

Also zoom over to Modesto, and cruise the strip where American Graffiti (1973) took place. That would be wicked cool!

Just don't expect gifts from Richard Gere

If you can afford a trip to Beverly Hills, then you have to stay at The Wilshire Hotel...home to such films as Pretty Woman and Beverly Hills Cop.

And to wrap things up, how about a visit to the quaint small town of Santa Rosa that was the setting for Shadow of a Doubt (1943). Small town life is very appealing to me, so Santa Rosa is definitely a place I would want to stop at and visit. So that ends my trip to California as I know there are tons more films I could have included in this post, but it's all I had time for as things are very hectic this weekend with a new AC unit being installed and family get togethers.  I will probably do another post with a different location before the summer is out. And to everyone that is doing a post for this non-traditional blogathon all I ask is that you send me an email letting me know when you post on it on your blog and include a link in it to my blog. Then I can do a write-up on here letting everyone else know that yours is up. Thanks to everyone who is participating and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

My love of classic movies is beyond measure



  1. What a fun post, Monty! I have only been to California once in my life...5 years ago we hit the Redwoods, so we were in very northern California. Would have loved to have gone to Big Sur, Carmel and Monterey.

    You picked some really great film shots. That sunset over Big Sur is stunning! You are the second person in a week who has mentioned the film "The Sandpiper." Both of y'all loved it. I had better get it on my "must watch" list.

    I'll be participating in the blogathon, probably next week!

  2. Love this post, Monty! Would love to travel with you! :")

  3. "All Good Things" ON LOCATION=> I love it. ;) could you forget "Rebel Without a Cause" with one your favorites, Natalie Wood? The Griffith Park Observatory, where many of the scenes were filmed, is still going strong and got a much needed renovation not too long ago. You also must visit The Roosevelt Hotel, where the first Academy Awards ceremony was held (even though it was about a half hour long), and drive by the Alto-Nido (just for fun), since that is where Joe Gillis lived in "Sunset Boulevard," although, I believe it was The Lido in the film. Lastly, a trip to Old Hollywood would not be complete without dining at Musso & Frank's. Maybe the ghosts of Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, Humphrey Bogart, Steve McQueen, Raymond Chandler, and Ernest Hemingway might drop by to say "hello!"...and then buy you a martini (make sure you have cab fare => they don't kid around at Musso's). ;)

  4. I loved your post Monty! Last June I spent three weeks in California and it was a life-changing experience. Reading your post and looking at the awesome poctures you chose brought back so many good memories, I'm grateful!

    Also, don't forget to visit Greece! :) Anthony Quinn as Zorba the Greek will be a great guide and we can put you up!

    Have a great Sunday!

  5. Monty ~ a great collection of films and a really fun beginning to your celebration of cinematic holidays. I have lived in California, at two different times in my early life, and in three distinctly different locations. Unfortunately, I have never visited any of the locations captured in the films you highlighted. I recently saw “The Sandpiper” for the first time, and as you pointed out, Burton and Taylor “chew up the scenery” but it is the character of Big Sur that captivated me. I also can’t think of San Francisco without car chases and a murder of two (“The Maltese Falcon”, “Vertigo”). I don’t know who is funnier, Hitchcock and his trained bird act or the entire cast of “It’s A Mad….Mad World”. My mother swears we used to eat at the burger restaurant that appears as Mel’s in “American Graffiti”, but now I know it was located in Modesto, I think she might have confused it with a similar looking restaurant. Well Monty, you have me in the mood to travel beyond my home state, and with some good films there are no limits. Good luck with your new AC, hope it makes your holiday weekend cool and comfortable.

  6. I've lived in California my whole life (still do) and the sheer difference in the films presented is great. San Francisco is epitomized, in my opinion, best in Bullitt! I live about an hour and a half from Modesto and Mel's Diner is huge here. I've also been to Bodega Bay, it's beautiful and EVERY place has some type of connection, museum, tribute to The Birds. Great post!

  7. Love your California collection of films.. I always enjoy going back for visits!!
